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sets different energy transport cutoffs for hadrons, muons and neutrinos


The meaning of WHAT(1) depends also on the value of WHAT(5).

    For WHAT(5) = 0.0 :
     WHAT(1) < 0.0 : kinetic energy cutoff (GeV)
             > 0.0 : momentum cutoff (GeV/c)
    For WHAT(5) >= 1.0 :
     WHAT(1) < 0.0 : gamma cutoff (Lorentz factor, = E/mc**2)
             > 0.0 : eta cutoff (= beta*gamma = v/c E/mc**2)
             Default (WHAT(1) = 0.0): the cutoff is 0 for neutrinos,
               and 1.E-14 GeV for neutrons.
               For any other hadrons, and for muons:
               if option DEFAULTS is missing, or is present with
               SDUM = NEW-DEFAults or SHIELDINg, the default cutoff
               kinetic energy is 0.01 GeV.
               If SDUM = HADROTHErapy, ICARUS or PRECISIOn, the default
               cutoff kinetic energy is 0.0001 GeV.
               If SDUM = CALORIMEtry, the default cutoff kinetic energy
               is = 0.001 * m/m_p GeV (m = particle mass, m_p = proton mass)
               In any other case, the default cutoff is 0.050 GeV.
               (For e+e- and photons the threshold is set by EMFCUT, see
               Note 3 below).

     WHAT(2) = lower bound of the particle id-numbers to which the cutoff
               applies ("From particle WHAT(2)...").
               Default = 1.0

     WHAT(3) = upper bound of the particle id-numbers to which the cutoff
               applies ("...to particle WHAT(3)...").
               Default = WHAT(2)

     WHAT(4) = step length in assigning numbers
               ("...in steps of WHAT(4)")
               Default = 1.0.

     WHAT(5) : depending on its value, cutoff values indicated by
               WHAT(1) are assigned to kinetic energy, momentum, gamma or
               eta (see WHAT(1))

     WHAT(6) = 1.0 restricts the given cutoff to charged particles only
               Default: the cutoff applies to all particles indicated by

     SDUM :    not used

     Default (option PART-THR not given): thresholds as described above
            for WHAT(1) = 0.0.



 * A threshold of 2 MeV (kinetic energy) is requested for heavy charged
 * particles with id-numbers between 1 and 11 (protons, antiprotons and
 * muons). A threshold of Gamma (E/m) = 2 will apply for pions and kaons
 * (numbers from 13 to 16). For all other particles, the defaults will apply.
 PART-THR      -0.002       1.0      11.0       0.0       0.0       1.0
 PART-THR        -2.0      13.0      16.0       1.0       1.0       0.0